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       12 Things We Would Like You
             to Know About our
          Catholic Faith


We Are Christian:  Jesus Christ is the center of our Catholic Faith.  As with all of humanity, Jesus calls all Catholics to a personal relationship with Him.  There is no salvation under any other name, or by any other means than Jesus Christ.  Jesus alone is the way, the truth and life.  It is through His sacrifice on the cross that we have been redeemed. 


The Holy Bible:  We believe the Bible is the infallible word of God.  We proclaim Sacred Scripture at every Mass.  This usually consists of one reading from the Old Testament, a reading form the New Testament and a reading from one of the Gospels.  Many of our Catholic prayers are taken directly from the Bible.  We encourage all Catholics to study the Bible. 


We Anticipate the Return of Jesus Christ: At every Mass we Proclaim that "Jesus Christ will come again in Glory to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have no end".  We believe that His second coming could happen at any moment, perhaps while you are reading this. 


We Believe in Prayer: We believe that prayer can and does change circumstances, lives and hearts.  We continue to see countless, verifiable miracles through the power of prayer.  We offer our prayers in both public and our private worship.  Catholics regularly pray the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, The Lord's Prayer.   


We Experience Failures: We recognize the Church is more of a hospital for sinners than a hotel for saints.  Unfortunately there have been times where we have been our own worst enemy by our failures.  We ask for forgiveness from God and from you as we strive to make amends and continue to share the Gospel. 


We Care: We do not believe that anyone can or will be saved through works.  However, Sacred Scripture teaches us that a true conversion to Christ by definition produces fruit.  In the name of Jesus Christ the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters, educates and provides medical care for more people than all other organization on earth combined. 


Mary:  We do not worship Mary.  As the mother of our Lord, and we being members of the body of Christ, believe she deserves the same honor from us that her Son Jesus gives to her.  Mary has no power or authority in/or of herself.  She is a created being just like us.  She was just as much in need of her Son's saving power as are we.  Her only power is through her Son Jesus.  Mary's wish for us is:  "do whatever He tells you."  We simply ask  our Mother Mary for her prayers as we also ask for yours.    


Communion of the Saints:  We believe that their dying to this life does not separate us or them from the body of Christ.  All members of the body of Christ care, and pray for one another.   We do not worship the saints in heaven.  We ask for their prayers and look to their example as to how we should lead our lives. 


The Sacraments:  The sacraments were instituted by Jesus.  God created us as physical beings, placed us in a physical world and pronounced His creation to be "very good," Genesis 1:31.  He deals with this physical creation physically - through the sacraments.  God didn't need the muddy Jordon River to heal Naaman the leper, 2nd Kings 9: 1-19.  Jesus didn't need mud to heal the blind man, John 9:6.  However, in these and many other instances we see God dealing with His people physically.  Sacraments like Baptism, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Communion are examples of how God physically deals with his people today.      


The Mass:  The Mass is where we come to worship in song, prayer and scripture readings.  The sum and summit of this worship is the Eucharist where we represent the eternal sacrifice Jesus made for us 2,000 years ago.  Christ is physically present to us in the most profound way.  It was His command to "Do this in remembrance of me."  1st Corinthians 11: 23-26 & Luke 22:19


Doctrine:  We are consistent.  Jesus said that he would establish His Church and protect it until the end of time.  If His words are true, that means there could have never been a time (from that time forward) when his Church did NOT exist.   We believe, and history confirms, that Jesus is indeed the founder of the Catholic Church.  The authorative structure He established as allowed His Church to provide clear and consistent teachings down through the ages.  Practice and customs vary with the different societies and times, but doctrine has remained consistent. How many other institutions or governments can you think of have been around for 2,000 years? 


Brotherhood:  We believe in the brotherhood of humankind and that we are indeed our brother's keeper.   We also believe Christians have an even deeper bond.  All those who look to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are all part of one Christian family.  Those who worship the Lord Jesus in other Christian communities are our separated brethren, but brethren none the less.  We believe that the fullness of truth found in our Catholic faith doesn't nullify the truth about Jesus and His saving power found in other Christian faiths.  We recognize the validity in the baptism of other Christian faiths.  















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